Presidential Selfies Through History: A Creative Look at U.S. Presidents in Their Defining Moments


Have you ever wondered what it would look like if U.S. presidents had smartphones? Imagine George Washington snapping a selfie with his guests at Mount Vernon or Abraham Lincoln capturing the moment before he delivers his Gettysburg Address.

What a treasure trove of history we’d have if presidents had smartphones! Thanks to hours of dedicated research and some highly crafted AI-generated prompts, Mister Harms is making history come to life in a whole new way!

⭐️ This unique collection of presidential selfies places each U.S. leader in a setting that represents their most defining moments. The events and dates are all historically accurate! Presidents actually taking selfies…not so much! But, wouldn’t that be cool if they did!

Perfect for teachers, students, and history lovers, these images provide a fun and educational way to engage with American history.

Here’s a glimpse at some of the standout presidential selfies:

  • 📸 George Washington at Mount Vernon

  • 📸 Abraham Lincoln Before the Gettysburg Address

  • 📸 Theodore Roosevelt at the Panama Canal

  • 📸 Franklin D. Roosevelt at his famous Fireside Chats

  • 📸 Bill Clinton Sending the First Presidential Email

Why This Project Matters This collection isn’t just about fun AI-generated images—it’s a creative way to make history accessible and engaging for all ages. Teachers can use these images in classrooms to spark discussion, students can visualize historical moments, and history enthusiasts can appreciate the past in a fresh, innovative way.

How to Use These Images in Learning

  • 🗣️ Classroom Discussions: Show an image and ask students to identify the historical moment and its significance.

  • ✍️ Creative Writing Prompts: Have students write a caption or short story imagining what the president might say in their selfie.

  • 🎯 History Trivia Games: Use the images as prompts for a "Guess the President" or "Guess the Event" game.

  • 🎥 Fun Presidents Video: Watch the presidents video, sing the song, and learn every President in order!

Get ready for some historical fun! Take a look at the Presidential Selfie Gallery below and don’t forget to watch the Presidents Historic Selfies Video!


1 - George Washington smiling and taking a selfie at mount vernon.png


📸 George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon

📍 Mount Vernon, Virginia

📆 December 28, 1794.


📸 President George Washington as he entertains colonial guests during the holidays at his home in Mount Vernon. Known for Washington’s hospitality, Mount Vernon saw a constant flow of visitors. It is estimated that hundreds to thousands of guests passed through his estate as he and Martha frequently entertained political figures, military officers, and everyday travelers. It is estimated that 677 guests visited Mount Vernon in one year alone.

2 - John Adams smiling and taking a selfie in the white house.png


📸 Opening day at the White House

📍 White House, Washington D.C.

📆 November 1, 1800


📸 President Adams taking a selfie as the first President to live in the newly built Executive Mansion now known as the White House. Though still unfinished, and construction ongoing, Abigail Adams would often hang laundry in the East Room because it was rather drafty. Adams only lived in the White House for about four months before losing his second campaign bid for presidency.

3 - Thomas Jefferson smiling and taking a selfie writing Declaration of Independence.png


📸 Revisiting 25 years of the Declaration of Independence

📍 White House, Washington D.C.

📆 July 4, 1801


📸 President Thomas Jefferson takes a selfie just months after taking office as he revisits his rough draft writings on the 25th anniversary of his historic masterpiece – The Declaration of Independence. Though a committee of five helped, Jefferson was the principal writer. Congress did cut about one-fourth of Jefferson’s original draft, including a strong condemnation of slavery. Jefferson was so annoyed by the edits, he kept a copy of his original draft allowing historians to better understand what he originally intended.

4 - james madison

📸 Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Constitution

📍 Washington D.C.

📆 September 17, 1812


📸 President James Madison, known as the “Father of the Constitution,” taking a selfie with other founding fathers on the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. Madison came to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 with a detailed Virginia Plan, which outlined a strong national government with three branches (legislative, executive, judicial). This plan became the foundation of the Constitution. At only 5'4" and weighing about 100 pounds, Madison was the smallest U.S. president—but his ideas were huge!

5 - James monroe

📸 Celebrating the success of the Monroe Doctrine

📍 North East Coast, Atlantic Ocean

📆 December 2, 1823


📸 President James Monroe on the shores of the Atlantic documenting his role in protecting the western hemisphere by issuing his The Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine declared that European countries could no longer colonize or interfere in the Americas and its influence has affected foreign policy even in modern times. Monroe was the last Founding Father to be president.  He traveled across the United States and was greeted with huge celebrations during the “Era of Good Feelings.” After his presidency, like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Monroe unfortunately died on July 4th, making him the third president to pass away on Independence Day.


Watch The VIDEO: Historic Selfies Edition

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John Quincy Adams smiling and taking a selfie with family near potomac river.png

6 - John quincy adams

📸 Ready to swim in the Potomac River

📍 Washington, D.C.

📆 March 4, 1827


📸 President Adams with his family at the banks of the Potomac where he often enjoyed taking a refreshing swim. Adams would swim in the Potomac early in the morning before starting his workday. He believed it was an excellent way to clear his mind and stay physically fit. He didn’t just swim during his presidency! Adams continued his daily swim in the Potomac well into his 70s making him one of the more physically active presidents in U.S. history! 

Andrew Jackson smiling and taking a selfie veto second national bank.png

7 - Andrew jackson

📸 Vetoing a bill to end the Second National Bank

📍 Washington, D.C.

📆 July 10, 1832


📸 President Andrew Jackson posing with his “Jacksonian Democracy” supporters moments after he vetoed the bill that put an end to the Second Bank of the United States. Jackson's aggressive actions against the bank earned him the nickname “King Andrew I” from his critics, and he was known to veto more bills than all the previous presidents combined. 

Martin Van Buren smiling and taking a selfie economic crisis.png

8 - Martin van buren

📸 On the streets during the nation’s first economic depression

📍 Washington D.C.

📆 May 21, 1837


📸 President Martin Van Buren taking a selfie on the streets of Washington D.C where widespread unemployment and economic depression grips the nation, during the Panic of 1837. Because the depression occurred during his presidency, Van Buren was given the nickname “Van Ruin,” portraying him as responsible for the economic mess.

William Harrison President smiling and taking a selfie inauguration speech.png

9 - William harrison

📸 Preparing to give the longest speech on inauguration day

📍 Washington, D.C.

📆 March 4, 1841


📸 President William Henry Harrison, bundled up on his first day in office, as he prepares to give what would become the longest inaugural speech in history. Unfortunately, he would die just 31 days later from pneumonia, making his presidency the shortest in U.S. history. His death was likely caused by complications from the cold he caught during his lengthy speech. Not only did he have the shortest presidency, but he was the first president to die in office which raised the important question of presidential succession and the need for a future 25th amendment.

John Tyler President smiling and taking a selfie at wedding day.png

10 - John tyler

📸 On his wedding day and 1st president to get married in office

📍New York City, NY

📆 June 26, 1844


📸 President John Tyler snapping a selfie on his wedding day near a church in New York City as he prepares to be the first president to get married while in office. Being a widower as he entered his presidency, Tyler soon met Julia Gardiner who was 24 at the time and 30 years his younger. They married and eventually had seven kids together. With a grand total of 15 children from both marriages, Tyler fathered more children than any other U.S. president.

James Polk president smiling and taking a selfie mexican american war.png

11 - James Polk

📸 With troops near the Rio Grande River

📍 Palo Alto Battlefield

📆 May 8, 1846


📸 President James Polk outside Palo Alto near the Rio Grande River with soldiers from the Mexican American War. Polk would lead the largest territorial expansion in American history through the annexation of Texas, the negotiation of the Oregon Treaty, and the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. 

Zacharay Taylor president smiling and taking a selfie milk and cherries history.png

12 - zachary taylor

📸 Celebrating Independence Day and the Washington Monument

📍 Washington D.C.

📆 July 4, 1850


📸 President Zachary Taylor takes a selfie at a 4th of July party celebrating the construction of the Washington Monument. This would be the last selfie President Taylor ever took as the cherries and milk led to a severe case of gastroenteritis. He died 5 days later, serving a little over one year as president, and the second to die in office.

13 - millard fillmore

📸 Opening of the first White House Library

📍 White House, Washington D.C.

📆 October 14, 1850


📸 President Millard Fillmore showcasing the first official White House library as he and his wife turn the oval parlor room into a "parlor of books".  Before the Fillmore's library, presidents would often bring their own books to the White House and take them home at the end of their terms. 

Franklin Pierce president smiling and taking a selfie kanasas nebraska act history.png


📸 Signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act

📍 Washington D.C.

📆 May 30, 1854


📸 President Franklin Pierce, with other political supporters, getting ready to sign the Kansas-Nebraska Act knowing it will divide the nation in two.


📸 A single bachelor at the Inaugural Ball

📍 White House, Washington D.C.

📆 March 4, 1857


📸 President James Buchanan takes a selfie as he gets ready for the inaugural ball. Being the only bachelor president, he is alone in the White House as he prepares to celebrate with guests.

16 - Abraham lincoln

📸 Supporting soldiers after delivering the Gettysburg Address

📍Gettysburg Battlefield - Gettysburg, PA

📆 November 19, 1863


📸 President Abraham Lincoln supporting Union troops after delivering what will become one of the most famous speeches in history – The Gettysburg Address.

Andrew Johnson president smiling and taking a selfie impeach history


📸 At his own impeachment trial 

📍 Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

📆 February 24, 1868


📸 President Andrew Johnson surrounded by senators after finding out he will not be removed from office. He was the first president to ever be impeached. It would be more than 100 years later before three more impeachments would happen.

18 - Ulysses Grant

📸 Getting ready to celebrate the first transcontinental railroad

📍 Promontory Summit, Utah

📆 May 10, 1869


📸 President Ulysses S. Grant getting ready for the celebration marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, connecting the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads. Celebrating with a ceremonial golden spike, this was a pivotal moment in American history.

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Rutherford Hayes president smiling and taking a selfie white house Easter egg roll history

19 - Rutherford Hayes

📸 At the first White House Easter egg roll 

📍 White House Lawn, Washington D.C.

📆 April 22, 1878


President Rutherford Hayes inviting kids to the South Lawn as the first official White House Easter Egg Roll took place on Easter Monday.

20 - JAmes Garfield

📸 Getting prepared for doctors to search for the lodged bullet

📍 White House sick room, Washington D.C.

📆 July 2, 1881


📸 President James Garfield taking a selfie just moments after being shot by an assassin. While laying in the White House, doctors poked and prodded for nearly 2 months trying to find the bullet. Serving only 200 days as president, he died on September 19, 1881 due to complications and infections from the procedures. 


📸 First president to visit Yellowstone and travel that far west

📍 Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming

📆 August 12, 1883


📸 President Chester Arthur taking a selfie at Yellowstone National Park. As a nature loving president, he was the first president to visit Yellowstone. No sitting president had traveled that far west before.


📸 At his own wedding reception in the White House

📍 White House - Washington D.C.

📆 June 2, 1886


📸 President Grover Cleveland at his own white house wedding reception. As the only president to get married in the White House, Cleveland is enjoying a large steak as he was known for his large appetite and big eater reputation. He was 49 when he married 21 year old Frances Folsom.


📸 At the first electrified White House

📍 White House - Washington D.C.

📆 September 14, 1891


📸 President Benjamin Harrison observing the installation of electricity in the White House. Harrison was the first president to have electricity in the White House, but he was afraid of getting shocked, so he and his wife refused to touch the light switches! 


📸 At his veto signing desk with over 584 vetos

📍 White House - Washington D.C.

📆 February 9, 1897


📸 President Grover Cleveland in his office with a stack of vetoed bills. Known as “The Veto President,” Cleveland issued over 584 vetoes over his two terms which was more than any president at the time. He is also the first president to have served two non-consecutive terms.


📸 At the annexation of Hawaii Ceremony

📍Iolani Palace in Honolulu, Hawaii 

📆 July 7, 1898


📸 President William McKinley with Hawaiian leaders celebrating the annexation of Hawaii, making it an official U.S. territory. Though he never went to Hawaii, this selfie would have certainly been a highlight of his presidency.

26 - theodore roosevelt

📸 Encouraging workers on the Panama Canal

📍 Panama Canal, Panama

📆 November 15, 1906


📸 President Theodore Roosevelt visiting the construction of the Panama Canal. Showcasing his vision for progress, Roosevelt became the first sitting U.S. president to travel abroad. He personally toured the construction sites, walked along muddy pathways, operated some of the machinery, and took note of major health issues such as yellow fever and malaria. Though the project wasn’t completed until years later, Roosevelt’s leadership helped make the Panama canal a reality. It solved a centuries old desire to find a passageway between the Atlantic and pacific.

27 - William Taft

📸 Enjoying the executive bathtub

📍 Inside the White House, Washington D.C.

📆 November 04, 1911


📸 President William Taft enjoying a bath in the White House. Though there's no evidence that he ever got stuck in a bathtub, Taft did have a love of large bathtubs. At 332 pounds, Taft was the largest president and a new 7-foot tub was installed at the White house that could accommodate four people at once!

28 - WOOdrow wilson

📸 The Treaty of Versailles signing to end WWI

📍 Palace of Versaille, France

📆 June 28, 1919 


📸 President Woodrow Wilson taking a selfie with other dignitaries in the Hall of Mirrors after signing the Treaty of Versailles which officially ended World War I. Despite Wilson's efforts, the US Senate rejected it, and the United States failed to approve the treaty.


📸 Dedicating the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

📍 Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia

📆 November 11, 1921


📸 President Warren G. Harding dedicating the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, marking the initial burial of an unidentified American soldier from World War I. This would be the start of a very long tradition of remembrance for those who have served in the United States armed forces. 


📸 Enjoying his pet raccoon

📍 White House lawn, Washington D.C.

📆 March 8, 1925


📸 President Calvin Coolidge and friends with his pet raccoon named Rebecca. Rebeccas was known for roaming the White House and was even meant to be eaten for Thanksgiving but was spared!

31 - herbert hoover

📸 Checking in on the Hoover Dam Construction

📍 Hoover Dam - Nevada, Arizona Border

📆 November 12, 1932


📸 President Hoover overseeing the construction of the Hoover Dam, one of the greatest engineering feats of its time. Taking five years to construct the “Boulder Dam,” Congress officially named it the "Hoover Dam" in 1947.

32 - franklin roosevelt

📸 Getting ready for the first fireside chat over radio

📍 White House, Washington D.C.

📆 March 12, 1933


📸 President Franklin Roosevelt at his first Fireside Chat as he comforts the nation during the Great Depression and WWII. This was the first of approximately 30 different radio chats throughout his presidency that would last between 11-44 minutes. Here he is addressing the nation regarding the emergency banking act crisis.

33 - harrry truman

📸 Celebrating Victory in Europe Day (VE Day)

📍 Streets of Washington D.C.

📆 May 8, 1945


📸 President Harry Truman celebrating VE Day on the streets of the nation's capital. Truman played a key role in bringing about Germany's surrender, which marked Victory in Europe (VE Day), and this day signaled the official end of World War II. While Germany's surrender ended the war in Europe, fighting continued in the Pacific until Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945.

34 - Dwight eisenhower

📸 Enforcing integration at Little Rock Central High School

📍Little Rock Central High School - Arkansas

📆 September 25, 1957


📸 President Eisenhower sending Federal Troops to escort nine brave African American students as they attended school. After a Supreme court decision mandated the desegregation of public schools, resistance to this ruling was strong. Eisenhower sent troops to enforce school desegregation leading to a historic event in civil rights history. Though Eisenhower wasn’t in Little Rock that day, he would have loved to capture this iconic selfie.


📸 One last photo with his fans and supporters

📍 Near Dealey Plaza - Dallas, Texas

📆 November 22, 1963


📸 President John F. Kennedy captures a selfie while seated in the back of his open-top limousine just moments before his life was taken and his presidency cut short. The image certainly captures the energy of that day, just minutes before the tragic event that would alter American history.


📸 After his Oath of Office while on Air Force One

📍 On the tarmac of Dallas Love Field - Texas

📆 November 22, 1963


📸 Lyndon B. Johnson in the first few minutes of his presidency after taking the oath of office aboard Air Force One following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This is the second iconic selfie taken on the same day by different presidents.

37 - Richard Nixon

📸 With dignitaries at the Great Wall of China

📍Great Wall of China - Near Peking, China

📆 February 24, 1972


📸 President Richard Nixon visiting the Great Wall of China. Nixon was the first U.S. president to visit Communist China, opening diplomatic relations and ushering in a dynamic shift in U.S. foreign relations.


📸 A quick campaign selfie with students from University of Michigan

📍 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan

📆 September 15, 1976


📸 Gerald Ford posing for a selfie after giving a presidential re-election speech at his Alma Mater – University of Michigan. Ford played football for the University of Michigan, and was named Most Valuable Player as a senior in 1934. Though he would not be re-elected after this campaign tour, Ford did highlight his views on America and enjoyed celebrating the day with current Michigan Wolverine students. Where are they now?

39 - Jimmy Carter

📸 Helping build a home for someone in need

📍 Rural Georgia

📆 June 15, 1978


📸 Jimmy Carter helping with a construction project for people in need. This would be just a glimpse of his passion to help others. After his presidency, Carter became famous for helping build homes for low-income families through an organization called Habitat for Humanity. He would go on to renovate 4,331 homes for more than 35 years.


📸 Moments before the famous Berlin Wall speech

📍 Berlin Wall - West Berlin, Germany 

📆 June 12, 1987


📸 Ronald Regan taking a selfie near the Berlin Wall before proclaiming his famous words, "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!" Speaking directly to the Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan urged the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Berlin since 1961. Though the wall did not fall immediately, Reagan’s speech is seen as a pivotal moment that led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, and the eventual end of the Cold War.

41 - George H.W. Bush

📸 Visiting Gulf War Troops on Thanksgiving Day

📍 Military Base - Saudi Arabia

📆 November 22, 1990


📸 President George H.W. Bush meeting with troops in Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving during the Gulf War. This was part of Operation Desert Shield and the timing of the President’s visit on a major national holiday reinforced themes of unity, gratitude, and resolve.

42 - Bill Clinton

📸 Being the first president ever to send an email

📍 White House Oval Office - Washington D.C.

📆 February 5, 1994


📸 President Bill Clinton sending the first ever email by any President. This was the first e-mail exchanged between Heads of State – Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt and U.S. President Bill Clinton. Clinton became the first President in history to have a public e-mail address, send an email, and the first White House to launch a website. 


📸 On the debris of the World Trade Center three days after 9/11

📍Ground Zero - New York City, NY

📆 September 14, 2001


📸 President George W. Bush standing upon the debris of the World Trade Center just days after the attacks of 9/11. Using his bullhorn, Bush called for justice and encouraged first responders with his famous words, “I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.”

44 - Barack Obama

📸 Playing basketball on the White House court

📍 White House Lawn - Washington D.C.

📆 October 8, 2009


📸 President Barack Obama playing a game of pick-up basketball with members of congress, cabinet members, and White House staff. Obama loved the game of basketball. He often played on the White House Court and attended many games throughout his life. 

45 - Donald Trump

📸 Visiting the Mexico-America border wall

📍 Near Yuma County - Arizona

📆 June 23, 2020


📸 President Donald Trump, along with border agents, visiting the Mexican American border. One of Trump’s major campaign promises during his first term was to build a wall and secure the southern border. His administration celebrated nearly 400 miles of border wall completion.


📸 Starting his presidency during the COVID pandemic

📍 National Mall - Washington D.C.

📆 January 20, 2021


📸 President Joe Biden weeks after taking office as he begins his presidency during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and with heightened security due to recent attacks on the capitol.

47 - Donald Trump

📸 Celebrating a Historic Second Inauguration Day

📍 Washington D.C.

📆 January 20, 2025


📸 Donald Trump celebrating the start of his historic second term, becoming the second U.S. president to serve non-consecutive terms as the 45th and 47th president. The only other president to achieve this was Grover Cleveland, who held office as both the 22nd and 24th president. With his return to the White House, Trump cements his place in American political history, marking a rare and remarkable political comeback.

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Final Thoughts

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History is often seen as a collection of dates and facts, but visual storytelling makes it feel real and relevant. These AI-generated presidential selfies offer a fun and educational twist on how we engage with the past. Whether you're a teacher looking for new ways to spark interest in history, a student wanting to dive deeper into presidential milestones, or simply a history lover, these creative portraits bring America’s leaders to life like never before.

Stay tuned for more AI-powered historical projects, and don’t forget to share your favorite presidential selfie moments!


There are so many lesson ideas and resource available to learn about the presidents of the United States. Hopefully one of these activities can be of use to you and your classroom. Make sure to follow @MisterHarms on all social media platforms and sign up for my newsletter to get more updates. I will be adding new lesson ideas and classroom resources as more become available! All featured resources can also be found on my TPT store.

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