CLASS CONSTITUTION: Create Your Own Classroom Constitution & Preamble

CLASS CONSTITUTION: Create Your Own Classroom Constitution & Preamble


Have you ever created a constitution for your own classroom? Each year in civics class, as we learn about the United States Constitution, I have my students help create our very own class constitution. The students love being a part of creating rules and policy for our classroom. This student-led activity has always proven to be a success! Each student's voice is heard as they actively engaged in crafting of an official document for the class. The process begins as students are grouped to draft goals and purposes in the form of a preamble. Once the preamble is approved, students give voice to a variety of articles that should be included in the constitution. When complete, all students will ratify and sign the big document!

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⭐️ Read more about this resource on my blog post

Your students will have fun with this entire learning process. Not only will they better understand what a constitution is and how a constitution works, but you will now have an official, student created document to guide your classroom. I have always found this activity to be an academic success, and a great way to improve classroom behavior as well. You will even find students holding you accountable to their constitution! After 10 years of teaching this lesson, I've worked out the bugs for you to have a successful implementation. Even though I use this for my Civics class, you can certainly use this activity for any subject matter. Making a constitution can be fun and rewarding for all classrooms! Enjoy, you'll love it! For more resources on the Constitution click here.

What’s Included:

  • 3 pages of detailed teacher directions that explains the entire process

  • A full sample template of my classroom's constitution for content ideas

  • A link to access an editable, GOOGLE Drive version of my constitution to make it your own

  • Pictures of my completed and signed classroom constitution to help you see the finished product

  • “I found this resource to be very helpful- I knew I wanted the students to make a class constitution but I wanted it to have good structure and direction. This was perfect because of the clear instructions for me as the teacher and the example class constitution included was also helpful.” - Merrisah ★★★★★

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